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Services Branding Influence feelings towards your organization


The Balloonfish naming process is the perfect combination structured and unstructured. We set objectives based on your brand strategy and then brainstorm names based on what we’re trying to achieve. We then categorize the names based on what they represent: descriptive, ecovative or whimsical. From there, we’ll present the best ones and provide a rationale for each. 

Once we get a sense of the territory you’re liking most (if we haven’t already found the winner), we’ll go back and brainstorm more ideas based on the chosen category. Once a name is selected, we’ll do a trademark and domain search to confirm it’s available and ownable.

Brand identity

Your brand identity is made up of a combination of the following elements:

  • logo/wordmark 
  • fonts
  • colours
  • photography & illustration style
  • audio logo
  • tagline
  • personality
  • tone & voice

We base the direction on the brand strategy work and the personality of the name of your organization. Your identity is the tangible representation of you that people connect with, and distinct brand elements will make you stand out, and be memorable and familiar to people when they’re making the decision to support you. 

Living the brand

Since your brand is someone’s feeling towards your organization, then it’s easy to see how integral a role everyone on your team has in delivering that experience in a consistent way each day. Internally, the interactions between team members form the culture and interactions with customers form the customer experience. Our Living the Brand process helps you identify the associations you want people to have with your brand, ways to influence those thoughts, feelings and actions, and how to champion them with your team.

Brand architecture

Brand architecture is the structure and organization of a firm’s portfolio of brands. In today’s digital world, the strategy has evolved, but the four main types of brand architecture still typically hold true:

  • house of brands
  • endorsed brands
  • sub-brands
  • branded house

Brand architecture is a forward looking exercise. All organizations start with one brand, but having a brand architecture plan in place provides the structure for efficient future growth.

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